Strong, compassionate legal representation for your needs.

Attorney Wilson served her community as a Senior Assistant Attorney General and Rockingham County Assistant Attorney before focusing her attention on defense work. She has experience as lead counsel in high-profile homicide, sexual assault, and complex fraud and drug enterprise cases. She applies that vast experience and knowledge to assist her clients in developing strategies that may be used throughout litigation. Kirsten Wilson Law handles a wide array of criminal matters to include murder, sex crimes, fraud, whitecollar crimes, and drug offenses. Her practice also includes post-conviction litigation, juvenile representation, and certification hearings. She practices in both state and federal court.
Restraining orders are often necessary to keep disputes from escalating into even greater conflicts. Unfortunately, parties sometimes use them to discredit others. Whether seeking a restraining order or defending the granting of an order against you, Kirsten Wilson Law will help you navigate the process to ensure your best chances of success.

Attorney Wilson has frequently represented juveniles during investigations being conducted by school administrations and law enforcement. She has experience in certification hearings where the State seeks to try a child as an adult and the complex law and research regarding adolescent brain development.
Attorney Wilson understands how confusing litigation can be to navigate for victims and witnesses in cases. She takes the time to explain the process and pitfalls of the court system to her clients and helps guide them through each stage of the case. Kirsten Wilson Law serves as a contact for these clients, to ensure that all information is explained and understood.

Attorney Wilson has the requisite expertise and experience to assist colleges, universities, and secondary schools in conducting independent Title IX investigations. She has been professionally trained on civil rights investigation interviewing techniques and conducts investigations with sensitivity and impartiality. She brings over 20 years of experience in investigating allegations of sexual misconduct and applies them under the specific requirements of the Title IX landscape.
Critical to successful appellate advocacy is the ability to analyze the possible legal issues in light of the law and policy considerations that fit in to the development of the law, and the ability to frame those issues with facts and arguments to concisely and persuasively present them to the court of appeals. Attorney Wilson has been engaged in appellate work since 2005, having argued cases at the New Hampshire Supreme Court as a Senior Assistant Attorney General, and has continued to do so for her private clients since 2015.