Attorney Wilson has the requisite expertise and experience to assist colleges, universities, and secondary schools in conducting independent Title IX investigations. She has been professionally trained on civil rights investigation interviewing techniques and conducts investigations with sensitivity and impartiality. She brings over 20 years of experience in investigating allegations of sexual misconduct and applies them under the specific requirements of the Title IX landscape. She has over 25 years of experience in litigation and criminal law experience to understand how important details and thoroughness are in an underlying investigation to achieve sound results.
Title IX
Attorney Wilson is a trained civil rights investigator. She has worked with secondary schools and universities in conducting thorough investigations into allegations of misconduct, and drafting comprehensive reports that articulate the critical assessments necessary in these types of investigations.
Corporate Sexual Misconduct
Attorney Wilson is a trained civil rights investigator. She has used these skills in conducting sexual misconduct investigations into both for-profit companies, as well as non-profit agencies. She is skilled in interviewing witnesses in an accessible manner as well as compiling the results in a comprehensive and thorough report for the organization.
Public Agency Sexual Misconduct
Attorney Wilson is a trained civil rights investigator. She has used these skills in conducting misconduct investigations for public agencies and corporations. She is skilled in interviewing witnesses in an accessible manner as well as compiling the results in a comprehensive and thorough report for the appropriate governing agencies.